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12 results for keyword:agricultural census
12 results for keyword:agricultural census

Arable crops; production, to region

Area and yield per crop Province


Gross seed onion yield 4 percent lower in 2020

In 2020, the gross seed onion yield declined by 4 percent relative to the previous year. The gross yield of ware potatoes remained virtually unchanged.


Nearly 30 thousand contract workers in agriculture

In 2019, the volume of labour deployed in the Dutch agricultural sector was equivalent to over 156 thousand full-time jobs (FTEs).


Again fewer cows and more goats

On 1 April 2018, there were nearly 4 million head of cattle in the Netherlands, a decline of over 178 thousand (4 percent) on one year previously.


Sugar beet cultivation reduced, more seed potatoes grown

The cultivation of sugar beets, ware potatoes, starch potatoes, summer wheat and grain maize is reduced in 2015. The cultivation areas for seed potatoes, seed onions, winter wheat and barley have...


More than half of farmers supplement their incomes

More than half of agricultural and horticultural enterprises in the Netherlands generated revenues in 2010 by expanding their range of activities or accepting a job not related to their own...


Smaller potato and seed onion crops

According to the first results of the Agricultural Survey 2009, the area used to grow ware potatoes has shrunk in 2009 relative to one year previously. The sand and peat soil areas used to grow ware...


Lower crop yields in organic farming

Last year, 2 percent of corn, bulbs and turnips in the Netherlands were grown on organic farms. Organic crop yields are (much) lower than traditionally grown crop yields.


More commercial wine growers in the Netherlands

The number of commercial wine growers in the Netherlands is rising rapidly. Last year, there were 68 wine-growing enterprises, more than twice as many as in 2003.


Fewer potatoes and onions

Farmers expect the potato crop to be 8 percent lower in 2005 than in 2004. This means they will lift some 4,8 billion kilos of ware and seed potatoes.
